2024 Keynote Presentations


Presented by: Jason Moore, Fire Chief (ret.) and Firehouse Magazine Fire Technology Columnist 

As we quickly approach the 300-year mark of the U.S. Fire Service's existence, even the saying “200 years unimpeded by progress” must change. Buildings, vehicles, furnishings, and every other aspect of the modern world has adopted technology that can make our job harder and more dangerous. Technology must be embraced to help balance the equation. This balance isn’t a replacement for our history, rather a fusion of traditions, tried-and-true practices, solid work ethic, progressive leadership, and technological advancements.

In his unique and inspiring presentation, Jason Moore, fire chief (ret.) and Firehouse Magazine Fire Technology Columnist, takes you on a journey to the future of firefighting with insights into current and emerging technologies that are dramatically changing the game. Moore’s presentation will leave you with a new understanding and appreciation of how technology is your friend, not foe, providing critical new tools, ideas, and perspectives that will change your approach to firefighting. Come see, learn and be a part of this exciting future!     



Jason Moore is a 23-year veteran of the fire service who began his career with the U.S. Air Force, rising to the rank of fire chief of a municipal fire department before retiring in 2023. He is actively involved with the International Association of Fire Chief’s Technology Council and a founding member/associate director of the Indiana University Crisis Technology Innovation Lab. He has presented internationally on implementing technology, using technology for Community Risk Reduction (CRR), and best practices to justify funding for innovative programs.


Presented by: Frank Leeb, Managing Director/Deputy Assistant Chief (ret.), First Responder Center for Excellence/FDNY

In this closing keynote address, Chief Frank Leeb explores the critical role of leadership in navigating and integrating emerging technologies within the fire service. Effective leaders must steer their teams through these transformative changes as we stand on the cusp of groundbreaking advancements such as artificial intelligence, robotics, electric vehicles, and renewable energy. Leeb will draw parallels to the fire service’s history of innovation, from horse-drawn steam engines to contemporary fire apparatus, to illustrate the essential role leaders play in embracing progress.

The address will also emphasize that adopting new technologies goes beyond simply using new tools - it requires a shift in how we approach firefighting and emergency response. Leaders are tasked with inspiring their teams to adapt to these changes, ensuring proficiency with new technologies, and recognizing their potential benefits. Ultimately, successful leadership in this era of innovation involves bridging the gap between tradition and progress while guiding teams through technological transitions and enhancing our ability to protect lives and property as firefighters.



Frank Leeb is the managing director of the First Responder Center for Excellence. He previously served as a Deputy Assistant Chief in the FDNY, retiring in June 2024 with more than 31 years on the department. During his tenure with the FDNY, he held several senior staff positions, including the Chief of the Fire Academy, Chief of Training, and Chief of Safety. He has also been a member of the East Farmingdale Fire Department in Long Island, NY, since 1983. Leeb's career has been defined by his unwavering commitment to fostering growth through training and development, a central tenet of his leadership philosophy and he has lectured nationally and internationally on motivation, preparedness, leadership, strategy, and tactics. Leeb holds a bachelor’s degree in fire service administration from SUNY Empire State and a master’s degree in security studies from the Naval Postgraduate School, Center for Homeland Defense and Security. He has served as an advisory panel member for UL Fire Safety Research Institute’s (FSRI) “Study of Coordinated Attack in Acquired Structures.” Frank was the keynote speaker for Firehouse Expo in 2022 and was a presenter at the 2022 and 2023 U.S. Fire Administrator Summit on Fire Prevention and Control. He is also the author of the best-selling book “Cornerstones of Leadership - On And Off The Fireground.”